
  • Knowing

    At our core, Gravel Hill Baptist Church is a community built upon a deep relationship with the Lord Jesus Christ. Our goal is to see people transformed by the gospel as they come to know the risen Savior personally and intimately. We seek to experience, trust, and worship Jesus as we encounter him in his Word.

  • Growing

    Discipleship is a hallmark here at Gravel Hill. We do not believe in a Christian who is not growing in faith and trust in Jesus. To know Jesus is to grow in knowledge and hope in the Lord. We seek to facilitate and foster discipleship through our preaching, worship, relationships, and small group ministries.

  • Going

    Discipleship inevitably produces a desire to share the hope within us. We are convicted by the imperative in Matthew 28 to go into the world and make disciples. We emphasize evangelism in relational contexts and encourage it both corporately and individually.

In addition to the above documents, Gravel Hill Baptist Church also holds in high esteem the Second London Baptist Confession Of Faith 1689, Baptist Faith and Message, Chicago Statement, Social Justice and The Gospel Statement, Nashville Statement, and Danvers Statement.

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Questions? Contact Us.

6259 AR-9
Benton, AR 72019