Our History
Since the Lord God Almighty is the owner of time, history as we know it is really his story revealed to people through the ages, one life at a time.
Gravel Hill Baptist Church fits beautifully into God’s spectrum of plans for many generations of families that have been greatly touched by such a rich church heritage! The church was officially planted in September of 1892. It was a God-inspired dream that was placed inside the hearts of those that now live in heaven as a great cloud of witnesses before us.
Over the years, the Lord has sent over 30 different pastors! One of them, Bro. Gary Gipson, served as the longest pastor on record—27 years. During this time, he gained a valuable insight into the congregation’s history and was able to lead the church of 1992 in a Centennial celebration by piecing together a fascinating history book of the church.
In commenting about the beginning years of the church in 1892, Bro. Gary said, “There was a need to receive direction on how to conduct your private life, how to raise your children and how to meet life’s daily challenges. But the greatest need was a place to share the Word of God and introduce the lost, that had no hope, to the Lord Jesus Christ…Gravel Hill Baptist church has accomplished this mission for many during the past 100 years. It has truly been the light on the hill for this community and the surrounding area…The next 100 years can be greater than the first if we keep our eyes focused on Him.”
We’re in the next 100-year period of time now as a church family and one thing is clear: our mission for Jesus Christ is still the same. Therefore, for God’s glory and in honor of those in our church family that have run the race of faith before us, we press on inspired by their tenacious faith, grit, and determination to persevere for the glory of God until Christ our Lord returns.